History and Timeline

Introduction About

worldwide leather exports : earlier business activity and

The leather shoe industry occupies a place of prominence in the Indian economy in view of its massive potential for employment, growth and exports. There has been an increasing emphasis on its planned development, aimed at optimum utilisation of available raw materials for maximising the returns, particularly from exports. Apart from a significant foreign exchange earner, leather industry has tremendous potential for employment generation


  • High Growth
  • Ready availability of highly skilled and cheap manpower
  • Large raw material base
  • Policy initiatives taken by the Government
  • Capability to assimilate new technologies and handle large projects
  • Continuous emphasis on product development and design upgradation


  • Major part of the industry is unorganised
  • Limited scope for mobilising funds through private placements and public issues (many businesses are family-owned)
  • Difficulty in obtaining bank loans resulting in high cost of private borrowing
  • Stricter international standards
  • High competition from East European countries and other Asian countries
  • Lack of communication facilities and skills


  • Lack of warehousing support from the government
  • International price fluctuation
  • Huge labour force resulting in high labour charges
  • Lack of strong presence in the global fashion market
  • Unawareness of international standards by many players


  • Rising potential in the domestic market
  • Growing fashion consciousness globally
  • Use of information technology and decision support software to help eliminate the length of the production cycle for different products
  • Use of e-commerce in direct marketing
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